My Music
As this page gets updated, you will find samples of music that I
have created. Unless otherwise noted, all music here was written
and performed by me and is Copyright ©
Mike Heasley (that's me).
You may download any songs here for private listening only. You may
not redistribute them without written authorization from me.
If you're wondering what equipment I used to create these sounds, have a
look at my studio page.
Instructions for listening
The files available here will be either in MP3 or MIDI format.
Most computers with sound capability have MIDI file players builtin
with their operating systems (for example Media Player under Microsoft
Windows 9x). But you will probably need to download a program to play
MP3 files if you don't already have one. Here are a few good MP3 players:
Now on to the music:
- Wedding Music
New June 14, 2002
I finished a few of my many partial song ideas and wrote
a few new piano and keyboard pieces that were played at my
wedding on June 1, 2002. You can find the finished songs at our wedding site by clicking
on Wedding Music when you get there.
- ShapeShifter
Format: MIDI Time: 5:39 Size: 63.4kb
I created this as background music for a computer game I wrote, also called
ShapeShifter. Pretty standard techno feel with lots of synthesizer
noises and repetition.
- 3K
Format: MP3 Time: 4:02 Size: 4.74MB
This song was my entry for the 2000 Van Halen Mailing List Guitar Contest. The entire song was created, from initial idea to final mix, in a span of about 8-10 hours. This was the night before contest entries were due, so I basically locked myself in my home studio and didn't come out until it was finished. I guess I work pretty well under pressure, since I'm very pleased with the result.
Like my previous guitar contest submission below, this is primarily a guitar rock piece (with a little piano thrown in during the break). People tell me it sounds a bit like something from Joe Satriani's album The Extremist. If only I could play as well as Joe...
- Seven
Format: MP3 Time: 3:18 Size: 4.37MB
Aside from projects I did for classes in school, this is the
first song I actually completed. The primary reason for this was
because I had an actual deadline. This was my submission for the
1998 Van Halen Mailing List Guitar Contest.
Because of the target audience, this is a guitar rock piece.
One of the most interesting things about this piece is that its time
signature is 7/4. It is generally difficult to write a piece in such
an odd time signature without it sounding strange. So I was very pleased
at how natural this piece ended up sounding.
I used my Wolfgang guitar and Johnson amplifier for both guitar parts.
The bass and drums were sequenced and performed on my Alesis keyboard.
See the studio page for more information on
this equipment.
- "What Did You Do To My Voice?"
Format: MP3 Time: 3:00 Size: 3.17MB
And now for something completely different... This piece was my final
project for a computer music class I took my senior year in college.
Some people might argue that it's not really music. Certainly, it doesn't
adhere to any standards found in popular music of the last several
centuries, such as the twelve-tone diatonic scale or any semblance of
tempo or rhythm. It doesn't use any traditional musical instruments
either (well, technically, there is one).
Instead, the piece was completely generated by computer using a program
called Csound. It's a
really neat software synthesis program that lets you generate sounds
completely from scratch. It's similar to regular computer programming
in that you define the characteristics of your basic sounds in a couple
of text files, then "compile" or process them with Csound to produce
the resulting sound file. The complexity of the sounds you generate is
limited only by your imagination.
So, one evening a friend of mine was in my dorm room, playing with a cheap
microphone connected directly to my guitar amplifier with a few effects
turned on. At one point he said, "What did you do to my voice?" while
I happened to be recording the whole affair. I used this sound as
input for my piece, using it primarily to modify other sounds, rather
than directly. You can hear the original sound, mostly undistorted,
at around 1:38 in the piece.
Most Csound pieces consist of a variety of "instruments," each of which
can be modified by a few parameters to slightly change how it sounds.
In mine, I decided to make one extremely flexible instrument with 36
different parameters (insane!). By changing these parameters on different
"notes" throughout the piece, I was able to achieve many vastly different
sounds as you'll hear. So, perhaps the answer to my friend's question is,
"Quite a lot."
The one traditional instrument I used for this piece was my guitar,
which was used like the sample of my friend to modulate other sounds.
You can hear bits of it (distorted and warped) around 2:00 and again
around 2:20 in the piece.
If you're really curious, here are the orchestra
and score files that produced this piece. Like all
other files offered here, they are available only for you to look at.
You may not redistribute or modify them in any way.
- And All That Jazz
Format: MP3 Time: 3:00 Size: 3.52MB
Blast from the past... This was my final project for the electronic music
class I took at college during the fall of 1994. The most interesting
part of this piece is that I used a sample of myself playing my trumpet.
That is, I recorded myself playing a note on the trumpet and loaded that
sound into one of the school's samplers. This allowed me to play notes on
the keyboard and have them sound like the note I had just recorded from
my trumpet. The trumpet sound you hear is a combination of the sampled
sound on the right and a preset sound from the synthesizer on the left.
The countoff was a sample of Wynton Marsalis
from the track Cherokee on his album
Marsalis Standard Time, Volume I.